SoundDetector - Main Window

No Signal

The SoundDetector display has two parts:

1) Time Display shown in the upper section.  This is the input signal raw video versus time.  The time display is from 0 to 200 msec.

2) Frequency Display shown in the lower section.  This is the power spectrum of the input signal versus frequency.  The frequency display is from 0 to 3KHz.

Example - Pactor2 Signal

Pactor2 Signal

The time display indicates that the signal is just turning on.  The signal level increases then holds relatively constant.

The frequency display indicates that the signal has two discreet parts.  The signal detctor has recognized this Pactor 2 signal, and has drawn red lines on the two carrier frequencies.

Example - Pactor3 Signal

Pactor3 Signal

The time display indicates that the signal is on since the signal level is relatively constant.

The frequency display indicates that the signal has many discreet parts equally distributed between 40 and 2700 Hz.  The signal detector has recognized this Pactor3 signal running at 3200bps. and has drawn red lines on the 16 individual carrier frequencies.


When initially configuring the SoundDetector program the operator will need to adjust the audio gain on the sound card to provide a 1/8 full scale reading in the time display when listening to background noise.  This will insure that there is adequate signal level for the signal detector circuit.  After this initial setting no more adjustments are usually required.

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